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Allows THREE levels of components on STATUS IQ status page - two is insufficient..

It would be really useful to be able to add just  one more level to the component groups / component settings on the status page. I would like to be able to have (for example):
*Corporate environment
  1.  Offices
    1. Office 1
    2. Office 2
    3. Office 3
  2. Teams
    1. Team #1
    2. Team #2
    3. team #3
* Customer Environment
  1. Customer 1
    1. Feature 1
    2. Feature 2
    3. Feature 3
  2. Customer 2
    1. Feature 1
    2. Feature 2
    3. Feature 3

Ultimately 2 levels for components isn't sufficient (and ive used this page before with a different company, and it wasn't there either) though 3 would give a lot more flexibility..

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