Common user management for all Site24x7 products - Site24x7 Forum
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Common user management for all Site24x7 products

We want to thank you all for your active participation in helping us fine-tune our product to make your monitoring journey smoother. One such request from a customer who uses multiple products made us ponder and redesign a core feature: our User Management portal.

We're happy to introduce centralized user management for Site24x7, CloudSpend, and StatusIQ in response to the request raised in this post.

As you know, the Site24x7 platform offers three products, namely Site24x7 for monitoring, StatusIQ for incident communication, and CloudSpend for cloud cost management. The previous user management model had a separate portal for each product, so teams had to visit each portal to update details for the same user. However, with this update, information related to a single user for all three products can be managed in a common user management platform.

Using the drop-downs highlighted in Figure 1, you can provide or revoke a user’s access to a particular product.  

  (Fig. 1)

You can filter out users of a product using the drop-down provided (see Figure 2). You can also view the roles assigned to users in each product.


With this new common platform, you can:

  • Grant a user access to a product.

  • Revoke a user's access to a product.                             

  • Change the role of a user for a product.

  • Create and manage user groups for individual products, which can be used to receive notifications and alerts related to that product. Learn more about user management.


We hope this enhancement makes your lives easier, and we'd love to hear your valuable feedback below this post.  



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