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Data Collection In Monitors


If data collection (CPU, Memory utilization  etc.,) is not happening in any server monitors then instead of checking every server manually, Is there any feature that we can get to know immediately that data is not collecting in that particular monitor ?

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Replies (6)


Thanks for raising this. We will take up this request to alert when data collection is not happening for server monitors and update this thread once the feature is live. Although we can't assure a timeline, we will ensure this is done at the earliest.




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One workaround for this is to check the Reports > Server Monitor  > "All Monitors" table ->  Performance Report > select time period  - > "Last 1 Hour". 

The servers with no data does not have data collection in progress for over ~ 1 hour 15 minutes.

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In our company, we are doing the below set of things to check whether DC is happening properly.

1. Reports -> Monitor Status Report

         For demo, www.site24x7.com/app/demo#/reports/SERVER/current-status

This will give you a list of Server Monitors with  an attribute called last polled time. Using that you will be able to identify the monitors whose data collections are not happening. If the the poll interval is 5/1 min and last polled time is more than 10 mins, it means DC is not happening in those Servers

2. Home -> Dashboards -> Custom Dashboard

      Choose Widget Category  - Current Status Widget

      Choose Resource Type  - Monitor Type (Server Monitor)

      Filter by Status   - Select All

     Drag widgets to dashboard - Monitors in Monitor Type (Drag this to the main window)

You will be able to see the current status of all the Server Monitors. If a particular server monitor goes down because of data collection problem , you will be able to identify them using the NOC view at a glance.





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That selection doesn't appear to work, The widgets are greyed out and cannot be dragged onto the dashboard

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I also faced similar problem during the start. The following step will solve the problem: Please unselect and select the status once, the option will be enabled. I hope this will solve the problem for you.

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Happy to hear that custom dashboards are being used for various purposes and thanks for bringing the issue to our attention. We tried to reproduce the use-case on our side but ended up with no success.

Can you share us some details on how to reproduce the above scenario like steps of recreation (small video), browser details etc.? This will help us in resolving issue sooner and better.

For any other queries, please contact us at support@site24x7.com .We are happy to help.


Vishnu Ranjan N,


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