5 Useful Security Tips Every Business Needs After Sony Hack

The ill- fated Sony attack

With National Cyber security awareness month coming to an end and the business headlines still talking about data breaches, here comes the next big one: Sony Pictures fell prey to a hacker attack which led to sensitive data being exposed on torrent networks.

Thank You for being a Valuable Customer! Now Win an Amazon Gift Card

This Holiday, double your celebrations by taking part in our Thanksgiving Contest. All you need to do, post 3 reasons why you like Site24x7 and you might be the lucky one to win an Amazon gift card worth $100!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Measure end-user satisfaction with Apdex

Now that IT is becoming a metric-driven organization --and your success is measured in terms of user satisfaction with IT core business processes and service levels, you should add Apdex to the list of IT metrics and actionable measures you track and report on. With Site24x7 Apdex – an industry standard for measuring the satisfaction of...

Common Firewall Issues in the Datacenter and How to Resolve Them

Firewalls are a vital component of securing your networks, however they often are a challenge to configure even for the most experienced server administrators. This is why datacenter professionals need to be able to follow best practices for server operations while also being able to effectively handle firewall issues as they come up. As disc...

Before you migrate to the Cloud Know What you need

For software development companies today, moving from desktop to hosted software is becoming the de-facto standard for many developers. Although some legacy applications can be placed on servers and accessed remotely with ease, other applications require a bit more work. Fortunately by considering a few points, you can ensure that your cloud ...

Are You Protected from BadUSB?

Security in the data center already is a challenging aspect for many professionals to juggle. Aside from constantly dealing with digital threats, system administrators also need to ensure their systems are protected from physical attacks. In fact inside attacks often do more damage than outside attacks because they are harder to spot and the ...

Are You Able to Keep Your Cloud Services Costs in Check?

Cloud computing is one of the hottest trends in the IT world today because it allows companies to tap virtually unlimited resources, as needed, while only paying for the resources that they use. Although it sounds great in theory, when implemented improperly, it can result in significant cost overruns that make cloud computing more expensive ...

Use Site24x7 Real User Monitoring Beta to Gauge Real User Experience

With a fluid web application, you can be sure of two things; business growth and success. This is because the more fluid the web application, the better your end user's experience. Certain real user interaction metrics need to be considered to tailor application performance to suit your users.

Synthetic monitoring is best suit...

Meet Site24x7 @ AWS re:Invent 2014

As you join the largest gathering of the global Amazon Web Services community at AWS re:Invent 2014, meet Site24x7 at booth no. 542 and grab an opportunity to interact with technology experts and share ideas on ways to improve developer productivity, increasing application performance and a lot more. We are also launching a new feature d...

Repurposing Older Servers in High Performance Settings

You might think that running a high end data center requires constantly maintaining a tight upgrade cycle with hardware upgrades every couple of years, however by properly clustering your servers, you can lengthen your upgrade cycles and get more usage from your equipment. As discussed in an article by Wired, Google has been leading the way i...