Site24x7 API: Integrate Website Uptime and Performance data into Portals

We've recently introduced APIs into Site24x7 that lets you pull website uptime & performance data from your account and work with the data in many possible ways. Anyone with programming knowledge can write a program to pull data using the APIs and integrate them into third-party applications. The APIs are Rest style web APIs over HTT...

The Wimbledon Final, Roger Federer and E-Commerce Transactions

The Wimbledon Final yesterday, was an epic battle between two great Tennis players : Roger Federer Vs Andy Roddick.~ The game was exhilarating to say the least. The scores :

5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14

Site24x7 featured in Interop IT Expo

InterOp is a leading technology event which is held every year in Las Vegas during the month of May. Business and technology leaders attend Interop to get the most up to date information available on key technologies, learn about the latest trends and meet with leading vendors. This year the event was held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Cente...

Introducing Website Monitoring from India

If your servers are located in India or if your company has business interests in the Indian region, it is definitely worthwhile to keep track of how your website is behaving for Indian users. Now you can accomplish this by making use of our new Indian monitoring location. You just need to configure a website monitor in Site24x7 and select th...

Monitoring your websites from wherever you are

We came across two articles about Site24x7 recently and want to share them with our readers. The first one is from DB Virtual Services blog and the post is titled "Monitor your websites from wherever you are". This one is a quick review of Site24x7 and gives a brief idea of what webmasters and website owners can accomplish with Site...

Introducing Website Monitoring Locations in China and Japan

After adding monitoring servers in Germany, Australia, South Africa and some US states in the last quarter of 2008, we are now focusing on expanding our monitoring network in the Asian continent. Earlier our lone monitoring server in Asia used to be in Singapore. Now we have added servers in China and Japan. The Chinese server is located in S...

Twitter's Recent Security Problems - Phishing Scam & Hacking of high-profile Accounts

Being popular in Web 2.0 world comes with its own share of problems. Twitter, the most popular microblogging service, found this out when they faced security problems on two occasions recently. The first one was the phishing scam which tricked thousands of tweeters into giving away their account passwords to a phishing site which resembled th...

Salesforce CRM experiences sudden downtime (CRM) was down for around 30-40 minutes yesterday between 12:40 to 1:20 US Pacific time. Customers complained they were unable to access their accounts or were unable to reach the website in some cases. Salesforce's status page had a brief explanation of the outage.

Time: 1/6/09 12&...

Find out what increases your web site load time

We came across a couple of articles on the internet which feature Site24x7. The first one is by Prem Godara in his Techno Mirror blog. ~He has an article about finding out what increases the loading time of a website. The article is titled "Does your website load slowly! Here's a solution" Prem mentions two tools - Si...

Monitor a group of Websites using Monitor Group

Do you manage websites belonging to multiple companies? Do you need to keep tabs on the uptime and performance of websites on a company-wise basis? The "monitor group" feature in Site24x7 will allow you to do just that. The monitor group lets you organize or group multiple monitors into a group. You can use this to tag dif...