Monitors are slow - Site24x7 Forum
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Monitors are slow

Hello Site24x7,


Do you have any problem, Since our monitors are loading slowly.

is there any common problem.


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Chandrish M 

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Replies (11)



Sorry for the incovenience. We are having some performance problem specific to a set of customers.  We are working on fixing this issue. Hopefully it will be restored today. I will update here once we solved the issue.



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I noticed this too.  I signed up today to evaluate the product, but I'm getting time-outs for the web-based interface, and error messages like this
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We have replaced the faulty hardware in the backend for one of our DB cluster. We observed the performance over last 12-15 hrs. 

Things seems to be normal at our end now.


If you have any other issues please comment here.



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Hello Colleagues,


Again we are facing the same problem.

Could you please check here and provide us the status.


Account Details:


Organization: id removed by Site24x7


Chandrish M

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Hi Chandrish,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Our team is currently working on this.

If you want access any reports / dashboards you can access it through  However you cannot perform any write operations in this portal.


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What if site24x7 could publish a status page for its customer to track the site24x7 current service status 
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can you update about the status of site24x7 monitors, we are facing issues since last Thursday, very slow loading and at time website not showing monitors at all.
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Can You Please Update the Status of Issue, No updates yet. I have Shared the Screen shot of the issue, kindly check and update ASAP.
Size: 54.55 KB
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we actually face the same issues but for API calls. API Calls from our recipes are very unreliable since a few days. This is honestly a bit anoying because our server deployments with sub-recipes of the site24x7 server agent fails.
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Update as on Mar 21st 8:25 AM PST: 

Currently, we are facing performance problem specific to a set of customers. 
We are working on fixing this issue with high priority. 

If you want to access any reports/dashboards, you can access it through However you cannot perform any write operations in this portal.

We will update here on the progress. Also, you can check for updates in our Status Page.
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Update: Mar 21st 9:21 AM PST

We have restored the services / performance problem by changing our backend cluster servers. 
However, this is not a permanent fix to the issue, we are still analysing the root cause of it by isolating each item at a time and observing it.  
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