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On Premise Poller, Network module is down

Hello support team,
I have carried out the steps to follow in the installation of an On Premise Poller and I continue without being able to start the network module, I share the following evidence and I would like to know if something is missing in my installation.

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Hi Higareda,

We are sorry to hear that. Just for clarification — have you tried executing the steps provided in this document?

If yes, but the Network Module has still not started, please send a mail to support@site24x7.com with the following details:

  1. Name of the On-Premise Poller
  2. Logs from the following directories:
    • Site24x7OnPremisePoller\logs
    • Site24x7OnPremisePoller\NetworkPlus\logs

Our team will work with you on this and get it resolved at the earliest.



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