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Problem with receiving and sending email with my corporate domain

Hello, I would like your assistance in configuring my corporate email as the emails are not being sent from my corporate email "eladiojimenez@eprotech.net" but instead they are being sent from my email eladiorjb@zohomail. Additionally, I am not receiving anything in the inbox of the corporate email. I have already configured the MX, SPF, and DKIM, but still no luck. I am not sure if I need to wait 24 hours for the changes to take effect... On another note, I had set up a forwarding configuration with Google Sites... I am unsure if that is affecting anything. Please help me send and receive emails from the corporate email.

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Hi Eladio, 
        Upon checking your account we don't see any sender email configuration. It is set to default - noreply@site24x7.com , Please check if you're receiving emails from this from address. 

For configuring custom sender address please check our help doc - https://www.site24x7.com/help/admin/reports-settings/customize-report.html

For DKIM Verification related issues, kindly raise a support ticket by sending email to support@site24x7.com

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