Measure end-user satisfaction with Apdex Scores
Traditional values for analyzing application performance such as response time and throughput need not accurately reflect a customer perception about the transaction. Apdex serves as a easy to decipher performance benchmark for all applications, providing a simple comparison metric to measure the responsiveness of any given application over a period of time.

Performance is the key
Customer satisfaction is the key for E-Commerce and most online businesses. Any performance flaw can potentially cause your customer to abandon your site and go to your competitor. These businesses requires visibility into how good their site is received by the end customers, so that they can take steps to resolve any performance issues.
Know your customer emotion
Customer satisfaction ultimately determines the success of your business. Understand whether your customers are happy or just tolerating your application lag; Worst case, are they abandoning your service because your application performance is frustrating? Apdex scores lets you know the customer emotion with respect to your application responsiveness, in no uncertain terms.

Understand end-user satisfaction from a global perspective
As a global business, your customer can be from any part of the world. Visibility into region wise customer satisfaction level will help to identify any performance bottleneck specific to a region.
Improve end-user satisfaction
It is imperative that your websites and applications must scale to meet the customer demand. Insight into customer satisfaction levels can certainly help you to change the application requirements based on your customer response. Also identify any region wise performance issues and address them before if evokes frustration in your customers.