The role of IT monitoring in digital transformation for Australian SMEs

The importance of visibility over the entire technology environment cannot be overstated. This ensures the health, performance, and security of the technology that organizations rely on to deliver digital services. Technology leaders in Australia’s SMEs understand and appreciate the strategic benefits of monitoring. The strategic benefits of IT ...

Status page examples

The visual presentation and aesthetics of a company's online presence are crucial in shaping the company's reputation and customer trust. One such vital aspect is the status page, which is often overlooked yet highly influential. By examining the best status page examples, we can see how a well-designed status page not only conveys reliabil...

Top IT challenges Australian SMEs must tackle for better operational efficiency

As digital intensity rises in Australian SMEs, technology teams face significant challenges. The complexity of expanding technology architectures, the proliferation of applications, and reliance on diverse cloud environments exponentially increases the demand for IT support and operations. This intricate tech landscape introduces coordination ch...

A guide to choosing the best cloud infrastructure monitoring tool

The cloud is a complex network of interconnected resources—virtual machines (VMs), containers, serverless functions, and a web of data flowing between them. With so many elements, it becomes challenging to ensure continuous uptime for all cloud services while also maintaining optimal performance and security. Cloud monitoring tools assist in thi...

Top 7 best practices for monitoring your OpenShift environment

<p>To ensure your OpenShift environment is healthy and stable, consider these seven tips:</p><p>Ensure your OpenShift platform is available at all times. Your monitoring tool is invaluable during these periods. Utilize node redundancy, multiple pod replicas, and load balancing. Regularly back up your monitoring data and configurations, and adjus...

The pros and cons of cloud-native infrastructure

Cloud computing has emerged as a game changer for organizations looking for agility and flexibility from their IT infrastructures. A cloud-native infrastructure further enhances this by using microservices, containers, and DevOps for a scalable foundation for modern applications.&nbsp; However, like any technology, it has its advantages and disa...

Digital transformation and cost savings: How AI benefits Australian SMEs to enhance digital experience

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in Australia's economy. Despite this, they face significant challenges in the current economic climate, including rising costs, higher interest rates, and the need to stay competitive in a rapidly-evolving digital market. For these businesses, cutting expenses is the top priority, clo...

Understanding Network Mapping with Site24x7

With cloud solutions becoming mainstream and hybrid workforces becoming the norm rather than the exception, organizations need to stay nimble and agile for network access that can occur anytime, from anywhere. A thriving organization has a flourishing network that extends its arms globally, yet delivers high speed and performance without any com...

Infrastructure maps: Build and visualize custom network topology maps to dissect network outages and performance bottlenecks in your IT stack

<p>The ability to visualize your IT infrastructure from end to end is critical in fostering successful operations and delivery of service. Being a network admin, you need to keep a close eye on all your network devices, whether they're across the globe or inside your data centers. However, this is difficult to do without an actual location-based...

Breaking down network complexities with network mapping

<p>Is it possible for network engineers to gain complete visibility over all the components in an enterprise network? With new devices constantly connecting and disconnecting, creating a mental image of the entire network is impossible.</p><p>This is where network mapping comes in. Using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), you can see a v...

Mobile APM best practices to ensure top user experiences

<p>Whether you are a solopreneur or the owner of a large business, think about the instances on your website or app when customers feel irritated, stuck, or frustrated on their mobile screens. Be it an app slowdown, broken flow, or irregular functionality, a mobile application performance issue can make or mar a business's reputation quicker tha...

Demystifying the cloud: Elasticity vs. scalability

Elasticity and scalability are essential aspects of cloud computing and crucial for optimizing resource management and ensuring seamless operations.&nbsp;However, despite their importance, these concepts are often confused. Understanding their distinct purposes and functionalities is essential for fully leveraging the power of cloud technology. ...

Leveraging observability to improve digital resilience

With increasing competition and a digitizing landscape, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia are being forced to level up their game using AI and modernization. This means eventually relying on cloud and AI integration to ensure agility and responsiveness. The diversity of applications and the complexity of tech architecture pose cha...

CMDB monitoring integration: Benefits and best practices

For decades, IT organizations have benefited from the configuration management database (CMDB) for their service management to ensure a resilient, reliable IT ecosystem for all users. Though difficult to implement and even more difficult to maintain, a well-kept CMDB (whether manual or automated) serves as the canonical source of truth for IT in...

What is cloud TCO? How does cloud monitoring help lower your cloud TCO?

The cloud promises agility, innovation, and virtually endless scalability. However, with great scalability comes great costs that can spiral out of control without proper oversight. Factors like over-provisioning, underutilized resources, and unexpected data transfer fees can strain budgets and reduce the overall efficiency of cloud investments....

Securing your cloud castle: Effective Amazon VPC monitoring with Site24x7

In the realm of modern business, the cloud reigns supreme. Countless organizations rely on cloud infrastructures for core operations, from storing sensitive data to running critical applications. However, with this reliance comes a vital responsibility: safeguarding your cloud environment against ever-evolving security threats. Amazon Virtual Pr...

14 benefits of using Site24x7 in Kubernetes observability

Launched in June 2014 as an open-source container orchestration software, Kubernetes is now ten years old. Being increasingly adopted by organizations of all sizes, Kubernetes has today become an essential part of the IT landscape. Kubernetes now completes the modern IT picture, along with Linux, the cloud, and containers that form the backbone ...

Top five cloud monitoring challenges

Behind every cloud, there is exceptional monitoring. At least, there should be. However, the dynamic nature of the cloud, while its greatest strength, also poses a vulnerability by making it challenging to maintain visibility across all areas. As the cloud becomes the backbone of many organizations' digital operations, robust and efficient monit...

Guardians of user experience: How REST API monitoring keeps your applications running smoothly

Modern web applications rely on invisible engines called REST APIs to function. These APIs handle crucial data exchanges behind the scenes, ensuring everything from login functionalities to dynamic content updates runs smoothly, handles client-server communication or communication across application services. But, just like any complex system, t...

What is IP blocklisting?

Imagine a bouncer at the entrance of a website, carefully checking IDs and denying entry to anyone who can cause a security risk. IP blocklisting functions similarly. 

What is IP blocklisting?
IP blocklisting (earlier called as IP blacklisting), is a security measure where IP addresses associated with malicious activity are added to a blocklist...

Improve mobile vitals using Site24x7 mobile APM and crash analytics

Between your app server and your customer's fingertips, your mobile application or website's performance depends on many factors. Often, what you give may not be what the customer gets, as several things can get in the way, such as bottlenecks, server performance issues, network woes, and un-optimized code. All these factors prevent your custome...

Streamline communication between applications by monitoring IBM MQ effectively

Efficient communication between applications is essential for seamless operations in modern IT environments. IBM MQ, robust messaging middleware, plays a pivotal role in facilitating this. Monitoring IBM MQ is crucial for enhancing communication efficiency and enables organizations to optimize performance, identify potential issues before they e...

Three reasons why your business needs infrastructure monitoring

A business's website or application might appear polished on the surface, but if the underlying infrastructure is struggling, the user experience also suffers. Users can only benefit from applications and services if the critical back-end infrastructure is functional. Here's where infrastructure monitoring comes in—it acts as a watchful eye in y...

What is DNS monitoring and why is it important

<p>Just like any critical infrastructure, DNS servers require constant monitoring to ensure smooth website accessibility. Here's a detailed breakdown of what DNS server monitoring typically focuses on:</p>

Uncover the benefits of AWS Lambda log analysis with Site24x7

<p>One of the biggest advantages of AWS Lambda is its serverless nature. You only pay for the resources your code consumes when processing logs, eliminating the need to provision and maintain dedicated servers. This translates to significant cost savings, especially for workloads with variable log volumes.</p><p>AWS Lambda automatically scales y...

Top 5 website monitoring best practices for a swift website

<p>By effectively utilizing both alerts and dashboards, you can transform website monitoring from a passive observer into an active guardian for your website. You receive timely notifications when critical metrics fall outside acceptable ranges, and dashboards empower you to make informed decisions based on real-time and historical data. This fi...

Communicate scheduled maintenance with StatusIQ

Failure to communicate scheduled maintenance often results in unexpected downtime, significantly impacting the user experience by causing frustration and disrupting workflow. This not only leads to user confusion but also burdens IT support teams with a surge of customer queries.&nbsp;Gain deeper insights into effective strategies and best pract...

On-call scheduling to streamline incident response systems in high-velocity teams

Murphy's Law says that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong," drawing attention to the inevitabilities of life laced with irony. In IT monitoring, we can tweak it and say, "The most important monitoring alert will always trigger when you're on vacation with spotty internet." Given life's uncertainties, how can IT engineers stay prepared at ...

Don't miss the blind spots: API monitoring for digital resilience

In today's digital world, applications are the lifeline of businesses. They're the engines powering everything from e-commerce transactions (think adding items to your shopping cart) to internal communication tools (imagine sending a message to a colleague). Any glitch or outage in these applications can have a domino effect, impacting revenue, ...

Site24x7: The best network monitoring tool where intuitive design meets powerful features

Network administrators may find it overwhelming to select the best network monitoring tool, but the search becomes a breeze when they know exactly what to look for: A network monitoring solution that's perfect for businesses big and small, where every detail is at your fingertips and you're always in the loop. Site24x7 not only ticks all...

Third-party software: The double-edged sword of website security

Imagine a palette with multiple options to choose from, which can help you add features and functionalities to your website that would take ages to build from scratch. Third-party software empowers you to build amazing websites, but this power comes with the risk of security vulnerabilities. This article dives into the potential security gaps th...

Website content monitoring: Essential tool for marketers and SREs

In the bustling marketplace of the internet, your website is your meticulously curated storefront. It's where you present your products or services to potential customers and aim to make a lasting impression. Just like any well-stocked shop, constant upkeep is essential. Empty shelves, dusty displays, and expired products can send shoppers scurr...

5 Top Kubernetes Observability Challenges and Solutions

Observability in IT refers to the ability to measure a system's internal functioning by studying its signals from the outside. Modern IT observability is achieved through three kinds of telemetry: metrics, traces, and logs. Metrics aggregate events to gauge a system’s current state. Tracing tracks the progress of each transaction to not only mea...

Monitoring DNS, the watchtower for a secure online ecosystem

The internet, like a vast kingdom, relies on a complex infrastructure to function smoothly. At the heart of this infrastructure lies a watchtower, the Domain Name System (DNS)—the unsung hero that translates user-friendly domain names (e.g., into numerical IP addresses that computers understand. But just like a kingdom ...

Enrich your IT ecosystem with data-driven insights from integrations with Site24x7 observability

In today's digital world, websites and applications are the lifeblood of your business. But ensuring their performance and uptime in a complex IT landscape, with its mix of technologies and systems, is a constant challenge. Imagine a sale overwhelming your online store, causing the website to slow down and frustrated customers to abandon carts. ...

LAMA Reporting: How can Site24x7 save the day?

When the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) deliberated on an approach to making cloud computing accessible and compliant to handle brokerage systems, the questions that needed immediate attention were:&nbsp;How to handle technical glitches during peak trading hours?&nbsp;What would it take for stock brokers to use cloud computing to navigat...

From chaos to clarity: Using NetFlow analysis for efficient network management

Analyzing network traffic data can quickly descend into chaos due to the increasing number of devices and applications in organizations, making it difficult to untangle the complexity manually. Many organizations now use network traffic analyzers to streamline this process. But what exactly is a network traffic analyzer, and how can it help with...

Boost application speed by monitoring key Redis cache metrics

With users today expecting speed, reliability, and responsiveness from every application they use, the delivery of seamless experiences across various platforms becomes essential for organizations. Caching solutions like Redis play a vital role in these ecosystems by storing frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the need to retrieve it fr...

Why the internet is unreliable and how can you track ISP bottlenecks

The internet serves as the backbone for communication, collaboration, and access to information in today’s digital world. However, despite its widespread use and importance, the internet is not immune to reliability issues. From occasional slowdowns to complete outages, internet users often encounter disruptions that can impact their productivit...

Log-based search and alert queries for syslog monitoring

Syslog entries offer crucial information about the health and status of various components within a system or network. Administrators can utilize syslog data to monitor system activities, identify anomalies, and take proactive measures to ensure system stability and security. In this blog, we'll share a few useful queries for monitoring syslog u...

Building trust in the digital realm: Safeguarding user experience amid website threats

With an increasing number of organisations moving to online platforms and adding to the huge network of existing online sites, building and maintaining a trustworthy platform is of paramount importance for business. A secure platform not only safeguards sensitive information but also fosters confidence among users, paving the way for meaningful ...

Deliver efficient communication through incident templates

Imagine this scenario: You are a user of an online service, and suddenly you encounter a technical glitch. You head to the status page for updates, expecting clear information about the issue. However, you are met with vague or unstructured updates, leaving you uncertain about the severity and resolution timeline of the problem. This lack of a s...

Top 3 reasons why you need to use Site24x7's thread dump analyzer tool

Imagine having x-ray vision for your application and seeing exactly what's happening under the hood in real time. That's what thread dumps do for your application—they are a vital component of application performance monitoring (APM) and give you a super-powered peek into its inner workings, helping you spot issues and fix them faster than you c...

Simplified onboarding using configuration rules

If your business is growing, then so too must your IT infrastructure. Servers, VMs, databases, nodes, pods, containers, and all of your digital resources spawn up and down—all in accordance to your business' needs. The catch is all of these infrastructure elements have to be monitored without it being a herculean task to your team to do so.&nbsp...

5 key metrics for identifying and troubleshooting deployment errors in Azure App Service

What is Azure App Service? Azure App Service is a fully managed Platform as a Service offered by Microsoft for building web, mobile, and business applications and managing infrastructures. It helps developers build, deploy, and scale web applications and APIs swiftly, allowing developers to focus solely on their code. Businesses opt for Azure Ap...

How can multi-step synthetic transaction monitoring help your online business?

Multi-step synthetic transactions, also known as multi-step transactions or multi-step scripts, are automated tests that simulate complex user interactions with a website or web application. Unlike a single-step transaction (like page load), multi-step transactions involve a series of sequential steps or workflows that mimic real-world user jour...

Simplified device health monitoring and mapping for software-defined networks

Are you juggling too many different types of network monitoring dashboards at once? If you're using software-defined networks (SDNs) and also managing traditional networks, it can be quite challenging to monitor them both at the same time since you need to remember which tool is responsible for monitoring which network and keep switching between...

Synthetic monitoring for TFA-backed applications

Two-factor authentication (TFA, sometimes 2FA) is a crucial security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to your online account. It goes beyond the traditional password-based authentication by requiring a second form of verification. &nbsp;In TFA-backed applications, users are supposed to provide two forms of verification before gaini...

Monitoring diverse IT endpoints with custom SNMP monitoring

As our world becomes more connected, the number of network devices is growing at an unprecedented rate. This poses a challenge for network administrators who need to keep track of all the devices that are added to their network every day. Relying only on monitoring tools with a standard device repository may no longer be sufficient, leading ...

Ensure continuous delivery by monitoring Jenkins pipeline performance

Jenkins pipelines play a pivotal role in achieving continuous delivery in software development processes. Continuous delivery (CD) is a software delivery approach aimed at ensuring that code changes are systematically and automatically prepared for release to production. In modern software development practices, CD pipelines streamline the proce...