Report reveals Business Continuity Managers’ top concerns.

The latest~BCI annual Horizon Scan survey reveals the concerns most likely to keep Business Continuity Managers’ awake at night. Undertaken in association with BSI, the report suggests that unplanned IT and telecom outages, cyber attacks and data breaches remain the biggest threats to business continuity worldwide.

Towering a...

Site24x7 Free Tool - Test Your Websites To Check If They Are A Victim Of The Heartbleed Vulnerability Bug

Update: Use the Heartbleed Test Tool to ensure your websites are protected against the bug.

The only chance of you not knowing about the Heartbleed vulnerability would be if you had completely abandoned your internet lifestyle or had been meditating in some far away~uncharted~island. Jokes apart, recently the internet was...

Web Development – State of the Union

There’s no question about it - development is booming in 2014, and the war for development talent is hotter than ever. ~Even back in December 2013, president Obama and key tech companies (Google, Yahoo, Apple, and Microsoft) promoted Hour of Code coding~events for students.

Here is a quick recap and consolidati...

Want To Monitor Dynamic Web Transactions? Now You Can With Improved Java and .NET Monitoring, APM Insight

If you're an application owner responsible for tracking the performance of your web apps, the one thing that would be on top on your agenda is to make sure your customers can transact all the time without abandoning the transaction, and we are sure Site24x7 APM Insight is your perfect monitoring companion assisting you in keeping a hawk ...

Site24x7 Website Dons An All New Avatar

Site24x7 launched its brand new website officially last week (14th April). The content, style and the layout have undergone drastic changes.

'Monitoring Availability and End User Experience Made Simple' on the index page signifies the unique capabilities of Site24x7 that allows users~ to experience four solution...

The Heartbleed Bug is Zapped – Site24x7 is Secured

You may have heard or read online in the past couple of days, a security vulnerability nick-named "Heartbleed" that was discovered in OpenSSL. This is the secure communication between your computer and the servers hosting the web pages you view online.

The good news is that~all the Site24x7 servers are patched, and your d...

Best Practices: Building a Culture of Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

With over 31,000 members and 91 Meetup groups across 65 cities and 23 countries, the Web performance community is blossoming. This should be no surprise to IT pros, since Web speed impacts user experience and conversion rates, Website stickiness, page search rankings and organic traffic, all of which have a tremendous impact on customer loyal...

IT Best Practices: Aligning IT, Marketing & Line of Business Operations

There is no question about it. Marketing, big data and IT are joining forces in 2014, and roles, ownership, and responsibilities are crossing functional lines this year. ~Here are some recent industry stats that illustrate this trend:

As marketing, big data, and IT come together, having a healthy IT-marketing relationship is v...

Are your systems and network monitoring solutions insured?

You might be wondering "Does anyone consider insuring their on-premise monitoring solutions?" By insurance, we mean is there a backup plan in case your on-premise monitoring solution breaks down? Of course every IT initiative usually has a back up plan, but what about considering a backup plan for the system and tools in p...

Troubleshooting Web performance problems checklist

It is a fact of life – Website technical glitches happen. Most recently we saw that several retailers experienced severe Websites outages and glitches this past Holiday shopping Season. From Australia [AS1]~#1 retailer Myer Website outages that lasted almost one week to CVS mobile Website hiccups, to Belk Website...