10 ecommerce conversion tactics

In the hyper-competitive world of ecommerce, a pretty interface only goes so far. Your landing page, your homepage and every subsequent page needs to be user friendly. It needs substance. And above all it needs to convert visits into sales. But if you find shopping carts are being aborted, and bounce rates are high, one or more of these reaso...

Give people what they want. Survey them.

“Give people what they want”. It’s the title of a 1981 Kinks album, a well used business expression and phrase further popularised by Oscar award-winning actor Kevin Spacey in his recent speech at Edinburgh Television Festival. But unless you know what people want or don’t want, it’s fair to say you can’t r...

Service Experienced Network Problems

Our main data center experienced a network hardware issue that affected our service. This affected our ability to monitor websites and~our customers could not login to the Site24x7 portal.

The service disruption occurred between 14:30 PST and 18:32 PST.

Choosing the right AWS instance for your needs.

Amazon Web Service (AWS) has helped transform the business landscape. Where once many businesses were restricted by their hardware and resource capabilities, AWS and other cloud platform providers have helped remove the shackles inhibiting businesses and facilitate growth.

Despite the seeming simplicity and clear advantages of...

Effectively Moving/Managing Your Apps. in the Cloud: 5 Things to Do

If the cloud is not already part of your current IT initiatives, it is definitively coming your way. According to Gartner, the public cloud services market is forecast to grow 18.5% in 2013 and total a whooping $131 billion worldwide. As you get ready for the cloud, or already running there in full speed, here are 5 things you shoul...

Server-side Monitoring Tips to Ensure Optimal Web Performance

An overloaded Web server? Your users might get a "503 Service~ Unavailable" error

A slow database connection? Your users might get a "502 Bad Gateway " message

Are you slacking in your SLA monitoring?

Anyone familiar with British comedy will recall Basil Fawlty, the terse, rude hotel proprietor of sitcom Fawlty Towers. While Basil became a symbol of frustrated, middle-class England, Fawlty continues to serve as a comedic reminder of how not to do business.

Providing a service your customers can’t live without~(rather ...

5 common data center outage problems

It may be good to learn from our own mistakes but it’s certainly cheaper and less stressful to learn from other people’s blunders, bungles and gaffes. With this in mind here are 5 of the most common outage problems to affect companies in recent years. Use them to influence your own SaaS operations.

1.DNS configuration proble...

Image editing tools every writer needs.

Once upon a time writers only wrote and designers only designed, but the rise of digital media means those boundaries have blurred. Writers, especially those working in the blogosphere and managing social accounts increasingly need to undertake basic design and image manipulation as part of their day-to-day job. This selection of image editin...

Put your Exchange Servers woes to rest 24x7!

“The Exchange Server is down!”~Doesn't~the very mention of this send shivers down your spine? We understand the critical role the Exchange Server plays in your business and how any downtime can be nothing less than a nightmare.

Is it really as bad as it sounds?