Articles related to "Containers"

Containers Kubernetes

Detailed Comparison of Kubernetes vs Docker Containers

Docker and Kubernetes both manage containerized applications. While Docker lets you build containers, Kubernetes helps orchestrate them. Learn more!


Why use containers?

Container technology emerged as the preferred deployment platform for microservices due to characteristics like being – light, modular, portable. Learn more about microservices and the benefits of containers!


What is containerization

Containerization is the preferred choice as a deployment platform for microservices. Read about containerization adoption due to CI/CD – DevOps. Learn more!


What is container orchestration

Container orchestration tools help deploy, manage, and network containers. Learn more about container orchestration, how is it done, and the tools that are used along with Docker container orchestration.


What is a container?

A container is a standardized unit of software that packages up software code into standardized units for development, shipment, and deployment. Read along to learn everything you always wanted to know about containers.


How to deploy containers

In general container deployment involves access, compilation, and deployment. Learn more about the basics of container deployment.


How do containers work

A container platform is a client-server software facilitating the execution of the container by providing key operational components. Learn how containers work.


Containers vs Virtual Machines

Comparison between containers and virtual machines. What are the major differences between containers and virtual machines. Read to understand.


Containers for microservices

A Container is a logical packaging of the microservice. Read through to learn why microservices need containers, their benefits, and how microservices are deployed. Learn more!


Container solutions in the market

Container solutions are aplenty in the market. Famous container solutions include Docker, Red Hat-IBM OpenShift, D2IQ - Mesosphere, and there are also container solutions on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. View a comparison of the common solutions to choose the one that fits your needs. Learn more!

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