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Remote Installation of Linux Servers using SSH

Perform remote installation using SSH to add the Linux agent in multiple servers in one go.


  • Ensure SSH server is running in the target server
  • The server from which the installation is performed should be of 64-bit type. However, the target servers can be of 32-bit or 64-bit type  


  1. Execute the following command in the terminal to download and install the remote installer:
    bash -i -automation=true -key=<Device Key>
  2. By default, two files, readme.txt and servers.txt will be created. Based on the authentication method, edit the servers.txt file:
    • For a common root password/PEM file path authentication, add the param "-password=<server password>" or "-pemfilepath=<PEM file path>" to the above command and enter the hostname and username in the following format:
      #Header: hostname, username 
    • If in case some of the servers have a different password/PEM file path other than the root password/PEM file path, enter the hostname, username and the password/PEM file path in the following format:
      #Header: hostname,username,password
                       SERVER2,root,<server password>
      #Header: hostname,username,pemfile
  3. Save the changes done in servers.txt file and rerun the command

You can also associate configuration profiles during remote installation of Linux servers using SSH.

To uninstall:
Execute the following command in the terminal to uninstall the agent:

sudo -E bash -c "$(curl -sL" readlink -u -key=<Device Key>


  • Ensure the first cell of your CSV file has "#Header" entered. Download a sample file.
  • For password based SSH authentication, enclose the password in double quotes if it has a comma

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