Help Docs

Compatibility and requirements

The APM Insight agent supports both .NET and .NET core applications and includes built-in instrumentation that collects performance metrics from the applications automatically.

The compatibility and requirements for both.NET and.NET Core agents are described in the sections below.

Compatibility and requirements for the .NET agent

The .NET agent supports applications built with the Microsoft .NET framework version 4.0 and above hosted on IIS 7.0 and above.

The APM Insight .NET agent supports the following components.

Application frameworks

  • Active Server Page Extended (ASPX)
  • Model—View—Controller (MVC)

External components

Web service calls

  • Active Server Method Extended (ASMX)
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
  • Web Application Programming Interface (Web API)

 Web requests

  • Web request
  • HTTP client

Database calls

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL Server CE
  • PostgreSQL
  • Enterprise Library
  • OLE DB
  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Memcached and NoSQL

  • Redis (Service Stack and Stack Exchange Provider)
  • Cassandra


  • Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)
  • Rabbit MQ


  • Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN)


  • Log4NET
  • Microsoft Enterprise Library Exception Handling
  • Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging
  • NLog
  • NSpring
  • ApplicationInsights TelemetryClient
  • Serilog

Compatibility and requirements for the .NET Core agent

The .NET Core agent supports Microsoft .NET Core application versions—0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0

Supported app servers

  • Kestrel
  • Kestrel with IIS reverse proxy via AspNetCoreModule
  • Kestrel with IIS reverse proxy via AspNetCoreModuleV2
  • In-process hosting

It supports Windows and Linux operating systems.

The APM Insight .NET Core agent supports the following components.

Application framework

  • MVC

External components

Web service calls

  • Web API
  • Web requests
  • HTTP client

Database calls

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL Server CE
  • PostgreSQL
  • Enterprise Library
  • OLE DB
  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Memcached and NoSQL

  • Redis (Service Stack and Stack Exchange Provider)
  • Cassandra


  • Rabbit MQ

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