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Kubernetes Performance Metrics

Get complete visibility into your Kubernetes cluster by monitoring the below key performance indicators:

Performance Metrics for Clusters

Go to Kubernetes and click the cluster to view its performance metrics. Note that these metrics provide the aggregated value of all the nodes in the cluster.

Metric name Description
Memory Usage (WSS) The amount of memory used (Working Set Size)
Memory Capacity The capacity of the cluster memory
Memory Usage Percentage The percentage of memory used
Memory Reserved The amount of memory reserved by pods
Memory Allocatable The amount of memory ready to be allocated
Memory Reserved Percentage The percentage of memory reserved by pods
CPU Usage The amount of CPU used
CPU Capacity The capacity of the cluster CPU
CPU Usage Percentage The percentage of CPU used
CPU Reserved The amount of CPU reserved by pods
CPU Allocatable The amount of CPU ready to be allocated
CPU Reserved Percentage The percentage of memory reserved by pods
Number of Pods Current Scheduled The total number of pods scheduled currently
Pods Allocatable The number of pods ready to be allocated
Pods Usage Percentage The percentage of pods used
Disk Used The amount of disk used
Disk Capacity The capacity of the disk
Disk Usage Percentage The percentage of disk used

Performance Metrics for Namespaces

Go to Kubernetes and > Select the cluster > Namespaces. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
UID The unique ID of the namespace
Creation Time Stamp The timestamp when the namespace was created
Phase The status of the namespace (Active or Terminating)
Age The time duration since the namespace was created
CPU Usage The CPU usage of pods in the namespace
Memory Usage The memory usage of pods in the namespace
RSS Memory Usage The RSS memory usage of pods in the namespace
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods
Received Data per Interval The data transferred between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Transmitted Data per Interval The data received between the two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Pods Pending The number of pending pods
Pods Running The number of running pods
Pods Failed The number of failed pods
Pods Succeeded The number of succeeded pods
Pods Unknown The number of unknown pods

Performance metrics for services  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Services and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, type, annotations, IDs, labels, and IP addresses of the load balancer and cluster
Inventory details
Associated Components Lists the other components associated with this service like deployments, nodes, and pods. Click on a resource type to view a detailed inventory report
CPU Usage The CPU usage of pods in the service
Memory Usage The memory usage of pods in the service
RSS Memory Usage The RSS memory usage of pods in the service
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods
Received Data per Interval The data transferred between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Transmitted Data per Interval The data received between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)

Performance metrics for nodes  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Nodes. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, created time, unique ID, labels, annotations, and more
Identifiers Lists labels and annotations associated with the node
Conditions Lists the various conditions for nodes functioning; thresholds can be set for each of these conditions
Dependencies Lists the details of the pods in the node
Resource Utilization on CPU Cores The total CPU resources of the node
Resource Utilization on Memory Bytes The total memory resources of the node
CPU Usage The amount of CPU used
Pod Usage The number of pods used
Memory Usage The amount of memory used
Disk Usage The amount of disk used
RSS Memory Usage The amount of RSS memory used 
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods

Performance Metrics for Pods  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Pods. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, host IP, DNS policy, labels, and more
Conditions Lists the various conditions for pods functioning; thresholds can be set for each of these conditions
Pod Status Status of pods in a given phase
Pod Status Ready Tells whether the pod is ready to serve requests
Pod Status Scheduled Status of the scheduling process for the pod
CPU Usage The total amount of CPU used
Memory Usage (WSS) The amount of memory used (Working Set Size)
Resident Set Size The amount of RAM set in the pod
Network Transmitted Bytes The amount of bytes transmitted by the pod
Network Received Bytes The amount of bytes received by the pod
CPU Limit The CPU limit set for the pod
Memory Limit The memory limit set for the pod
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilized by the pod
Memory Utilization The percentage of memory utilized by the pod
Restart Count The number of times the pod has restarted
Restart Count per Interval The number of times the pod has restarted for every data collection

Performance metrics for containers   

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Containers. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Port Bindings Details of all the ports exposed by the container and their mappings with the host  
Volume Bindings Details of all the volumes attached to the container  
CPU Utilization CPU utilization for the container in the pod specification
Network Stats Total number of bytes received and transmitted by the container interfaces
I/O Utilization Number of I/Os read, written, completed to/from the disk by the container   
Anonymous Memory Statistics The amount of anonymous memory identified as active and inactive by the kernel, respectively
File Statistics Cache memory that has been identified as active and inactive by the kernel, respectively  
Cache Size The amount of memory used by the processes of the control group  
Page Statistics Each time a page is "charged" (added to the accounting) to a Cgroup, PgPin increases; when a page is “uncharged” (no longer “billed” to a Cgroup), PgOut increases  
Resident Set Size Non-cache memory for a process   
Total Memory The amount of container memory that doesn't correspond to anything on disk: stacks, heaps, and anonymous memory maps   
Swap Memory The excess memory requirements to disk when the container has exhausted all the RAM that is available to it
Unevictable Memory The amount of memory that cannot be reclaimed. Generally, this accounts for the memory that has been locked with mlock. It is often used by crypto frameworks to make sure that secret keys and other sensitive material never gets swapped out to disk.   
Restart Count The number of times the container has restarted
CPU Usage The amount of CPU used
Memory Usage The amount of memory used
Restart Count per Interval The number of times the container has restarted for every data collection

Performance metrics for deployments  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Deployments. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, created time, unique ID, labels, annotations, and more
Status of ReplicaSets The status of replicas per ReplicaSet
Current Number of Pods The current number of pod resources in the node
Status of Available and Unavailable Pods The pod resources of a node that are available and not available for scheduling
Desired Number of Pods The minimum desired number of healthy pods
Status of Paused Deployments Tells whether or not a deployment is paused
Max Unavailable Replicas during a Rolling Update Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update
CPU Usage The CPU usage of pods in the deployment
Memory Usage The memory usage of pods in the deployment
RSS Memory Usage The RSS memory usage of pods in the deployment
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods
Received Data per Interval The data transferred between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Transmitted Data per Interval The data received between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)

Performance metrics for ReplicaSets  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > ReplicaSets. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, created time, unique ID, labels, annotations, and more 
Total Replicas The total number of replicas per deployment
Fully Labeled Replicas The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet
Ready Replicas The number of replicas ready per ReplicaSet
Desired Pods on ReplicaSets The number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet

Performance metrics for DaemonSets  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > DaemonSets. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name, created time, unique ID, labels, annotations, and more
Available Count of DaemonSets The number of available daemonsets per deployment
Currently Scheduled DaemonSets The number of nodes that are currently running at least one daemon pod
DaemonSets Ready to be Deployed The number of nodes running the daemon pod and have one or more running and ready
Updated DaemonSets The nodes that run the updated daemon pod spec
CPU Usage The CPU usage of pods in the daemonset
Memory Usage The memory usage of pods in the daemonset
RSS Memory Usage The RSS memory usage of pods in the daemonset
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods
Received Data per Interval The data transferred between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Transmitted Data per Interval The data received between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)

Performance metrics for endpoints  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Endpoints and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name of the endpoint and namespace, unique ID, and created time
Endpoints Created Network endpoints created within a Kubernetes cluster
Available Addresses The number of IP addresses available in the endpoint
Address Not Ready The number of IP addresses not ready in the endpoint

Performance metrics for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > HPA then click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Configuration Details Gives the name of HPA and namespace, unique ID, kind of scale set, and created time 
Current Replicas Current number of replicas of pods managed by the autoscaler
Current vs Target CPU Utilization Current and target average CPU utilization over all pods, represented as a percentage of requested CPU. For example, 70 means that an average pod is using 70% of its requested CPU.  
Current and Desired Replicas Current and desired number of replicas of pods managed by the autoscaler
Status Condition The condition of the autoscaler

Performance metrics for StatefulSets  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > StatefulSet. Click the Monitor List View button at the top right corner and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
StatefulSet Details Gives the name of the StatefulSet, namespace, the created time, and unique ID
Config Details Gives the current and updated revision, service name, pod management policy, update strategy, and more
StatefulSet Status Replicas The total number of replicas created by the statefulset
StatefulSet Current Replicas The total number of replicas created by the current version of the StatefulSet
StatefulSet Ready Replicas The number of ready replicas created by the statefulset 
StatefulSet Updated Replicas The number of replicas updated to the new version of the statefulset 
Replicas The desired number of replicas per statefulset
Collision Count The count of hash collisions for the statefulset 
CPU Usage The CPU usage of pods in the statefulset
Memory Usage The memory usage of pods in the statefulset
RSS Memory   The RSS memory usage of pods in the statefulset
CPU Request The amount of CPU requested by the pods
Memory Request The amount of memory requested by the pods
CPU Limit The amount of CPU limit set for the pods
Memory Limit The amount of memory limit set for the pods
Received Data per Interval The data transferred between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)
Transmitted Data per Interval The data received between two consecutive data collection intervals (five min)

Performance metrics for Persistent Volume Claim  

Go to Kubernetes > Select the cluster > Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and click the monitor to view performance metrics.

Metric name Description
Persistent Volume Claim Details Gives the name of the PVC name, namespace, the created time, and unique ID
Config Details Gives the volume name, mode, storage class, finalizers, and more
Persistent Volume Claim Status Phase Gives the current information and status of the PVC 

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