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Performance metrics of an agentless server monitor

Site24x7's agentless server monitoring monitors all your servers using SNMP and WMI credentials for important metrics like response time, packet loss, services, processes, and disk-related metrics using performance counters and tabular performance counters. You can also configure to receive instant downtime alerts by configuring threshold profiles.

Navigate to the server tab and click on a agentless server monitor to view different tabs like: 


Provides an overview of the device performance metrics.

Metric Description
Availability Availability of the device in percentage.
Response Time Shows the current response time of the device. Click the chart to display the response time history.
CPU Utilization  Displays the device CPU utilization as a graph. Click the chart to get the performance report for a custom period.
Memory Utilization Displays the device Memory Utilization as a graph. Click the chart to get the performance report for a custom period. 
Disk Utilization  Displays the device Disk utilization as a graph. Click the chart to get the performance report for a custom period.
Downtimes Shows the number of downtimes in the selected time range.
Packet Loss Shows the packet loss percentage for the device on that day. 
Device Details  Shows general details of the device, including DNS, vendor name, IP address, and category of the device.
Hardware Details  Provides the manufacturer details, model name, and serial number. 


Displays the list of interfaces in the selected server along with their status and other details. Click an interface name to view its availability with graphs on traffic and bandwidth utilization.

Parameter Description
Interface name  Name of the interface.
Type  Type of interface. 
In traffic  Amount of traffic received by the interface in bits per second. 
Rx Utilizaed(%)  Amount of received traffic utilized by the interface in percentage. 
Out traffic  Amount of traffic transmitted by the interface in bits per second. 
Tx utilized(%)  Amount of transmitted traffic utilized by the interface in percentage. 
Errors(%)  Percentage of error packets received by the interface. 
Discards(%)  Percentage of packets discarded by the interface from the total number of packets. 
Status  Shows whether the interface is up, down, or in trouble state. 

Figure 1. Network metrics of an agentless server monitor.

Click the Interface Name to view Interface Details page. 

Parameters Description
Admin State Tells whether the admin state of the interface is up or down.
Operational State Tells whether the operational state of the interface is up, trouble, or down.
Rx Utilization Amount of received traffic utilized by the interface. 
Tx Utilization Amount of transmitted traffic utilized by the interface. 
Utilization Average of the received and transmitted traffic utilized.
In Traffic Amount of traffic received by the interface. 
Out Traffic Amount of traffic transmitted by the interface. 
Traffic Total traffic.
Packets Received Number of error packets received to the interface.
Packets Sent Number of error packets sent by the interface.
Packets Total number of packets handled by the interface.
Rx Volume Total volume received in Bytes.
Tx Volume Total volume transmitted in Bytes.
Volume Total volume in Bytes.
Errors (%) Percentage of error packets received by the interface in percentage. 
Discards (%) Percentage of packets discarded by the interface from the total number of packets in percentage.
Error and Discard Percentage Percentage of errors and discards including the Average, Maximum, and Minimum.
Error and Discard Count Count of errors and discards including the Average, Maximum, and Minimum.

Bandwidth details are also captured along with other metrics.

Parameters Description
In Speed (Mbps) Amount of bandwidth that can be received by the interface. This is a constant value from the SNMP response of that interface.
Out Speed (Mbps) Amount of bandwidth transmitted by the interface. This is a constant value from the SNMP response of that interface.
In Traffic (bps) Amount of traffic received by the interface.  
Out Traffic (bps) Amount of traffic transmitted by the interface. 
Rx Utilized Amount of received traffic utilized  by the interface. 
Tx Utilized Amount of transmitted traffic utilized by the interface. 
Avg Rx Packet Size  Average packet size received for a period of time.
Avg Tx Packet Size  Average packet size transmitted for a period of time. 
Received Packets (pps) Number of error packets received by the interface. 
Transmitted Packets (pps) Number of error packets transmitted by the interface.  


Displays the processes on the selected server along with their status and other details.

Parameter Description
Process Name  Name of the process running on your server.
CPU (%) CPU usage by the process in percentage. 
Memory (%) and Memory (bytes) Memory usage by the process in percentage and bytes (MB, TB, and GB). 
Instances Number of times that particular instance has occurred. 
Status  Shows whether the process is up, down, or in trouble state. 


Displays the services on the selected server along with their status and other details.

Parameter Description
Service Name  Name of the service running on the server. 
Port Port on which the service is running. 
Response Time (ms) Time taken for the service to respond to a PING. 
Status  Shows whether the service is up, down, or in the trouble state. 


Displays the disk details on the selected server along with the status.

Parameter Description
Disk name  Name of the disk. 
 Disk partition Total number of partitions in the disk. 
Disk size  Size of the disk in bytes. 
Disk used  Total space occupied in the disk in bytes and percentage. 
Disk(free)  Free space available on the disk in bytes and percentage.
Status  Shows whether the disk is up or in the trouble state. 

Performance counters

This tab lists down all the performance counters associated with a server. You can test, configure thresholds, and delete performance counters from here.

Tabular performance counters

Monitor the tabular SNMP OIDs of your servers using tabular performance counters. This tab lists down your tabular performance counters along with their values, with provisions to edit thresholds and delete them.

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